BouncyBunny Productions™
MP Animal Care
Do I Need a Heater?

What Fish?

You can have any fish that's in a pet store you want. Most pet store fish need heater's thou so ask someone at your local pet store if that fish needs a heater. Guppies are one of the cleanest fish and don't need a heater. You won't need to clean out your tank as often. Some fish can have other animals living with them like snails or frogs. Snails eat alge so they will help keep your tank clean. Frogs eat all your extra food that your fish dont eat. Some fish can't live together because they will be too aggresive. They will probaly kill each other. You should ask someone at your local pet store if they can live together. Betta's can not live together. They will definetly kill each other.
Most fish do need heaters. Not all do thou. Here is a list of fish that don't need heaters:
Paradise Fish
Most Danios
Black Skirt Tetras
Most Barbs
White Clouds
We are not finished yet.
It really depens on the size of your tank. If you have a 10 gallon tank, depending on the size, you might be able to fit about 5 fish in it. Their are TONS of rules and different things to calculate exactly how many fish sence their are so many different sizes for both tanks and fish. If you want to know exactly how many fish and a few other things for your tank push the button two your right and it will take you two a website where you type in the size and width of your tank two find out about your tank.

What Types of Fish can Be Together?

How Many Fish Can I Have in One Tank?
Fish are pet's too. Just becuse their small, don't live very long and some people don't name them doesn't mean that they can't be counted as one of your pet's.
How many fish in an aquarium